All posts by Dagan


When you want to go and find a picture or a video on the internet don’t just go searching up random things you can get in trouble for putting someone else’s picture on your website thats called copyright witch i am  pretty sure is against the law so next time you think about inserting someone else’s picture on your website remember copyright.

Awesome inventions that changed the world

Okay so i think the most important inventions is steam power because it made things run like cars and trains and it helped us advance into are new tech like cars steam inspired us to make cars better faster and stronger and also trains because if you see the trains they use to have are’s is way different and i think its because of steam power it inspired them to make everything so much better like ten times better.

My favorite animal.

My favorite animal is a dog there so cool my favorite kind is a Yorkie.

The reason i like these so much ic because i use to know some one that had a Yorkie named Ollie and it was super smart it knew how to ring a bell to go outside and it knew if it needed to eat he would run to the bowl and sit in front of it but then his owner a very nice lady was getting super sick and she moved and passed away and Ollie was sent to the pound where he was put down it was really sad.

By  Clondike7


World war 2 new learning.

I learned that Albert Einstein  helped build a bomb that I learned later was used to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki I was so surprised because even though we gave Japanese a chance to surrender but we killed so many innocent people that  didn’t deserve to die I think we made the wrong decision but at least I learned something.